Saturday, June 30, 2007


A few months ago, I received a letter from Rome saying that I was no longer a sister. This was the culmination of the struggle trying to stay true to my Path as a catholic sister and healing practitioner. It was made clear to me that the time had come to realize I did not fit within the structures as they are in religious life today. This process also led me to contemplate the nature of patriarchy and the emerging paradigm in which patriarcy seems such a relic of a worldview that is no longer in sync with the vibrations of the earth.

I love my sisters, and I consider myself still a sister to them, but without the "membership". It is the structure itself that I have learned is detrimental. Partriarchy imposed on women kills the spirit to a degree that I had not know could be. It robs us of our divine creativity and teaches us to defer to men and give to the masculine our power.

At Home Depot yesterday, I was getting some molding for a project I am working on and watched a woman about my age sawing a length of baseboard. She was doing fine until a man walked over and asked how she was doing. She immediately became clumsy and could not get the saw to cut smoothly. The man took over and she immediately gave up her effort and stepped aside.

A simple interaction, but it spoke volumes to me.